The album Needle Paw is a masterpiece so well worth the listen.
May 3, 2024

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Her voice feels like a weighted blanket. Incredible melodies, great song structures (The Hunger), and very versatile album.
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I can't say I've found am album of back-to-back bangers in a long time, but Piety of Ashes has absolutely done me in. Cannot recommend this beauty enough.
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this album is a masterpiece (and Iā€˜m not just saying this because Doechii was just featured on here)
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Or better yet their sketchbooks if theyā€™re available to the public. The early days tell better,Ā accurate stories that include being shite for a time. Take this photobook from William Eggleston, it looks like someoneā€™s A-level photography portfolio and yet this man became an ICON. Genius is a load of bs. Your faves practiced everyday.Ā  Side note: go to your fave artists cv, scroll down to the first major thing and research.
Apr 28, 2024
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Iā€™ve had this youtube playlist for ages that I call my ā€œinternet archiveā€ and itā€™s full of videos that I find interesting but also feel are culturally significant. Theyā€™re mostly live performances with a mix of odd ball clips that I liked but also really special stuff I think wonā€˜t be there forever. Here is a list of my favourites 1. Camcorder footage of two guys driving around london in the late 90s while listening to the radio 2. RuPaul before he was the Queen of Drag, hanging round a corner shop in New York 3. A documentary filmmaker documenting various African American accents and dialects across the states. 4. A short doc called ā€œDirty Girlsā€ about a group of teenager grunge girlies who are reacting to the news of Kurt Cobainā€™s death and discussing how they all stopped washing their hair to honour him hence the title. 5. Marsha P Johnson reading her poem ā€œYou gotta have soulā€ Anyway, this is me recommending to you to begin saving videos that intrigue you because contrary to popular belief the internet isnā€™t actually forever.
Apr 30, 2024
You wonā€™t see photos of all the cast members that got the cut. Side note: imagining your life as a tv series is a great coping mechanism.
Apr 24, 2024