writing physical letters to your friends or lovers is SUCH a slay,,,,, you can draw on them, glue shit on them, put stickers on them, whatever you want. I received a letter recently and it was the best thing that happened to me all week, I read it over and over and pinned it to my bedroom wall. Can’t do that with a text, at least I can’t because I don’t have a printer…
May 3, 2024

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Physical letters aren't just for corny love notes and eviction notices! They can be a really good way of communicating things that are too long for texting but too personal to say aloud. I feel like the convenience of texting can be deceptively dishonest, it’s often more genuine to let something bleed out on a page. It also just feels cool as fuck to write one, I like to imagine I’m some aristocrat main character in a period piece. Maybe light a candle if you want to be extra pretentious.
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I love hand-writing a letter. the delayed gratification of it, talking about anything and nothing, decorating it with cartoons and drawings and stickers. Sending little extras and photographs with tiny micro-playlists scrawled out on the back of it. It takes at least an hour to craft a good letter, one worth receiving and replying to, and it's intimate to think about someone nonstop for that long. I just love that form of communication.
Mar 4, 2024
its actually quite relaxing to do and depending on who you‘re writing to you get to yap a lot. My friend likes adding random questions to think about too in case you can‘t think of anything. Plus it‘s like a little time capsule you receive from friends or pen pals. Also your stationary actually gets put to use instead of catching dust if you‘re like me and enjoy buying and collecting it.

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