I LOVE THE CITY omg i’m so excited i move so soon and i get a new space for a bunch of new stuff and it’s so awesome and its so close to work and downtown RAAAAA
May 4, 2024

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Sometimes I just really like a tune this is not a weird thing it’s a cool thing.
Feb 1, 2024
oh boy this one is gonna be controversial. first off to be transparent I am a huge nerd and train models for a living. that being said, I was a huge ai hater for a long time and never used it in anything I did. Then, I started using it a bit for coding, then for research (tool use ftw), then for a whole bunch of simple tasks I wanted to automate but couldn’t w pure code (either due to needing unpredictable input or needing buttons pushed). Is it super useful, not yet. Should we replace people with it, obviously not. But like dude. You can TALK to your computer in ENGLISH (or french, arabic, japanese, etc.) and it will understand you and respond. I think the like crazy shift in human - computer interaction here is kinda slept on ngl, I fw this heavy now.
Feb 24, 2025
This is such a sick feature thank you for dropping peak tyler
Feb 11, 2025