aka being a keeper of the flame. I rarely smoke but I like that I can provide when people ask me for a light.
May 8, 2024

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it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize that everyone in my age group is carrying lighters around because cigarettes are back in. i don't smoke, but i figured you can always use a lighter on you anyway, just in case someone else needs one. everyone that steps outside to smoke at functions is always hot & cool-looking, so my secret plan is to make myself useful to them by offering a light. (i am a little too excited about this and it may take months for anyone to even ask me if i have a light and the payoff will last for 5 seconds but i will be cheering inside.) plus i can use mine to light my incense at home. i got this one for $6 from a vending machine at a college bar and the flame is GREEN
Apr 18, 2024
i finally decided to quit smoking for good this year. however…the one thing holding me back was the wonderful, communal feeling of sharing a cig with strangers outside a bar. luckily, you can always be the person with the lighter on hand when people need one. you still experience that nice, warm bonding feeling without actually smoking. plus you’re being of service to others, which deepens the connection <3
Feb 10, 2024

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