For a simple routine you only need a face wash and a moisturiser— if your skin is more oily than dry, try Glossier’s cleanser concentrate, and if drier, try Glossier’s milky jelly cleanser or Cera Ve’s hydrating facial cleanser. If you have acne prone skin, a face wash with salicylic acid will help. Then use a good moisturiser; Cera Ve’s Daily Moisturising lotion is my workhorse, and I use Beekman 1802 Bloom Cream at night or when dry. Use a good sunscreen; I use Supergoop Every Single Face watery lotion, but anything that you like the texture of and will use consistently is best. Do those three things for a month or two, and it will feel much easier to fold other things into your routine where you notice you need them— that may be a serum, a chemical exfoliant, or an active. If you get breakouts and want an effective spot treatment, La Roche Posay’s effaclar duo is the best thing I’ve used— it’s more effective than patches or stickers, and minimally drying. Do you have particular skin concerns (dryness, dark spots, breakouts, redness, etc.)?
May 9, 2024

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Makeup remover - byoma melting balm cleanser - cerave hydrating cleanser Moisturiser - Nivea creme lazy day - bioderma sensibio H2O I used to be a full skincare girly, and then my skin got really bad and I read a lot about the skincare industry and how insidious and awful it is. Now I essentially just use 4 things. A cleanser, I use cerave hydrating cleanser. And a moisturiser, in my opinion the more simple the better. My favourite is the embryolisse lait creme, but it’s a lil spenny so I mostly use Nivea soft, which I find to be really similar and costs like £2. the third thing is an oil based cleansing balm for makeup removal. atm I use Bioma, which is the affordable replacement for the very expensive Clinique cleansing balm. I also use an spf (but controversially only when it’s sunny as I live in the U.K. and we have a much bigger vitamin d deficiency problem than we do a skin damage one). Unfortunately I’ve never found a face suncream that isn’t expensive, so atm I use laroche possay, but it lasts me ages cause there isn’t much sun here. for ease and laziness I also use bioderma micellar water for days when Im too tired to wash my face or I’m taking off makeup on the go. I have mostly dry/combo and a little sensitive skin, but this routine will work for any skin type (might need a lighter moisturiser if oily). In the U.K. to but this entire routine with full size bottles would cost around £37, and my skin is infinitely better than it was when I was using elaborate and expensive skin care routines!
May 9, 2024
i think you had your question about a simple routine answered already, and i highlighted the most essential products to have with an asterisk too, so i just wanted to write out the (generally accepted) order to put your products on: 1/ oil cleanser (or balm, wipes etc) to remove makeup if you use that. *2/ gel/liquid cleanser, or if you use cleansing bars 3/ then if you’re using toners/serums, put them on in order of consistency - thinnest to most viscous. if you’re using something like the laneige cream skin, i’d put that at the end, even though it is thin, bc it’s cream based, most serums are transparent or cloudy so they’ll go before that. *4/ moisturiser. 4.5/ you could sandwich in retinol cream here ONLY AT NIGHT (either 1: a thin layer of moisturiser, wait however long it says on the retinol you’re using to apply after skin care - has to be a fully dry face, then moisturise again after 20-30 mins, 2: same as before, without a last layer of moisturiser on top, or 3: same as 2, but switch the order - retinol first on dry skin, moisturise after). ^the above is just about what works for your skin while on retinol. it doesn’t increase or decrease the actual efficacy of the retinol. for eg, i use the first method bc retinol makes my face too dry. *5/ sunscreen. (or at night time a face oil if you’re using that. oil is always the last step, except if you’re sunscreen in the same routine, where sunscreen goes last). for products: oil cleanser: the face shop rice water bright gel cleanser: bioderma sensibio moisturiser: kiehl’s ultra facial cream, or pyunkang yul moisture cream (though tbh, i still haven’t found a perfect moisturiser) sunscreen: krave beauty beet the sun (fav), or beauty of joseon
May 9, 2024
Don’t panic, and don’t overtreat. I use LaRoche Posay’s Effaclar spot treatment on spots as needed— it isn’t overdrying but it will clear blemishes quickly. Use a scent free, derm recommended moisturizer (CeraVe and Cetaphil are both good), and wash your face after exercise. If you know that you’re responding to dairy, try water ice or dairy free gelato. Remember that it’s hot out and sweat can be really pore clogging, so a clay mask might be good (1-2x weekly). I use Youth to the People, and Beekman has a very good probiotic clay mask.
Aug 17, 2024

Top Recs from @nadiyaelyse

Firstly, I’m so sorry you’re feeling that way— that’s really crummy, and I’m sure that once you feel that way everything feels like confirmation of being unspecial. But in a very very real way, you might be bored with yourself because you know yourself so well— other people don’t know you. You could walk into a bar or a cafe or an event and you would be new to at least one person there. If you feel like you aren’t interesting conversationally, are you a good listener? In a very honest way, the people I’ve found hottest and most intriguing are always good listeners, and people who are quiet and incisive. It’s okay if you don’t talk on and on; a lot of “interesting” people are just filling space with noise. Noise is always briefly exciting or interesting, but that doesn’t mean it has substance or adds value. Trust me on this, I’m a performer and frankly so many nights I’m just making noise. So first piece of advice is, approach yourself as if you were a stranger— look at everything about you like you’ve never ever seen it before, and start to notice what you like. Then build on those things. Like, it’s okay if you hate your clothes, but do you have one jacket/shirt/earring that you love? Wear that so much, and slowly look out for pieces that make you feel like the thing you love— it’s okay if it takes time, the outfits that make me feel dynamic are all cobbled together from stuff I found over years. Then look at other people, what do you find interesting about them? I am a knockoff of every woman I ever thought was cool— my summer camp counselor, my gender studies TA from my first year of college, my mom, and literally everyone else. That’s okay though, mimicking what you like is a way of developing your taste, and you will put yourself together in a way that’s a little different and totally your own. It’s okay if it takes time— sometimes we have seasons where we don’t like ourselves a ton, but they do pass, and who you will be in a year is a brand new person— you haven’t met them yet, and you might love them. Tiny practical advice? Go for walks; it’s good for your body, it releases endorphins, and it gives you a chance to people watch/observe nature. Read something small; it can be a single poem, or an essay, or a children’s book— I love Howl’s Moving Castle and if I’m feeling stuck in a rut I read that, even though it’s a children’s book. If reading isn’t your thing watch a movie or a TV episode, but whatever you consume, watch it and take notes, like you‘re a secret critic— note what you liked, whether it’s costumes or language or the vibe, and what you didn’t, and then you can find more things like it— that’s how you develop your own taste, and it’s a good way to develop language around art and media. All critics and essayists and everyone whose job is to write interestingly about art started with shit they liked in middle school, and built on that to find their own language— you can do that too. Sorry for the hugely long post, but I promise that you are more interesting than you give yourself credit for, and there are people in the world who will see that.
Feb 19, 2024
This was really impactful for me; the analogy is, your life/your heart is a room (or an apartment, a space, etc) and relationships are all about inviting people into that room. Intimacy is letting them into the room and knowing that they might touch stuff, move furniture around, or change the way you’ve laid the room out. Transparency is letting people see the room, but keeping a glass between them and the space— they can see, but not touch. I think relationally we all have impulses toward transparency instead of intimacy, and it’s easy to say “I let you look at my room, that was intimacy,” while maintaining the glass that separates people from the room. Be intimate! Let people pick up the tchotchkes in your heart and move the furniture.
May 28, 2024
I like to let my phone die— I often don’t charge it overnight, and try not to plug it in during the day. If you’re able to access work/school through only your laptop, let your phone die, or leave it on the plug in another room. I also delete most apps from my phone for periods of weeks, and minimally use social media— if this works for you, it can feel very liberating, and makes me feel much less constantly accessible (which I think is a good thing). Something that helps me is thinking about the flattening of correspondence; before social media, if you wanted to communicate to a friend, it was one-on-one— you might write a letter, or call, or email, but what you were doing was conversational and relational. When we use social media, we flatten a lot of individual relationships into one relationship between us and our “audience.” Instead of sharing a thought or comment intended for one person, and designed for them to reply and continue the correspondence, we put out press releases on our own lives: “this is what I had for breakfast,” “this is a meme about my mental health,” and we become part of a passive audience in our friend’s lives. We end up feeling like we’ve just seen our friends, because we’re “viewing” their lives, but actually apps leave us feeling very isolated and anti-social. Try deleting your most used social media apps, and also schedule a walk/movie night/coffee with a friend. Outside of radical deletion, pick an audio book to listen to, and pair it with a hands on/tactile activity: you could load the dishwasher, or draw, or try embroidery.
Jul 29, 2024