hey chat, I am growing to love this platform more everyday. the community on here is wildly chill and real as hell. sending everyone who reads this 1 trillion years of good vibes and an immediate escape of samsara when ready. love, mint god
May 12, 2024

Comments (2)

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May 12, 2024
tyler bro. thank you so much for making this. you reached into the universe's treasure chest and pulled out a modern gem. once my dumb fucking job pays me I'm getting the $200 subscription. idk what ill have to do to get a real convo w u one day, but until then i leave u with this: the next generation of kids is counting on guys like you. very grateful. love, mint god. (also if ur looking for any interns pls lmk im 22 bilingual with extensive business background and ridiculous passion for real shit)
May 12, 2024

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i'm new!! hi!! stumbled on here after seeing someone on twitter mention this in passing!! this is a very lovely place. everything has been so cruel and hateful and mean lately. you'd think given how hard life already is, warm and kind spaces like this would be more common. oh well. it does make things feel more special :) i'm very shy, and honestly, nothing cool goes on in my life so i doubt i'd be able to rec interesting things. after struggling with my younger years, i feel like i'm only now starting to find the things i like and catching up with everyone else :o especially in terms of art and books and film and games and... everything!! this is kind of embarrassing to admit (it's okay though because anonymity is awesome), but i am only now forming a personality!! it's nice to be here though. very good vibes. lurking here is just as great because it doesn't feel like "doomscrolling" nice to meet you all!! hello!!
Jan 16, 2025
i love the way asks blossom into fond memories and recs remind us of those passing thoughts from moments of solitude. we get to share that excitement unabashedly! i think this is a beautiful place, i’m taking off my shoes and getting comfy
Apr 25, 2024
i’m just starting out but i just can’t wait to settle in w this community and befriend new people :) it’s unique i love it
Jan 17, 2025

Top Recs from @mintgawd

W’s in the chat
Jun 28, 2024
*only do this when you MUST get FLY and exude unspeakable and ineffable confidence where ppl will probably call you a cocky asshole* recite this prayer: Dear Haters, You can all suck my balls from the back and my dick from the front. I was born to be great. you were all born to debate my greatness. Clearly we are not the same. in times of uncertainty I stand tall. Even when alone, my spirit is guided by God’s invisible hand who shields me from the bullshit. A back this broad was earned by climbing to places most could never reach. If theyve never seen these heights, how could they comprehend my perspective? Anyone with something negative to say is miles beneath me with mushy shit in their pamper and piss dribbling down their soft, weak legs. Thank you mint god for humility. Thank you mint god for strength. Love, (Your name) And although I may not appear in the physical form, you will feel an aura of mint purple surrounding you and a genuine earthy sense of pride in your chest to continue on your mission, no fucks given.
Jun 19, 2024
i Am a proud fan of weird women!!! Newest weird woman acquisition: the cute shy girl from my MBA program with a curly bob and red highlights. Shes so quiet and shy, we’ve had every class together so far over 3 semesters and barely ever spoke aside from her saying happy Valentine’s Day to me in February. Fast forward to this semester I sit next to her first day of finance class and decide to Be friendly and chat. She’s quiet but cool so I get her number, offer to maybe study later in the semester (which is a mild courtesy as I was lowkey just gaining new allies in the class to assist with cheating). But once I started texting her about class we just never stopped texting, and now I think we’re actively flirting? Shes into dark romance novels? she brought one of her novels to class yesterday and after class she snuggled up against me in the hallway and made me read a (very graphic) page about a girl getting fucked by a gun? This chick is nuts. Am I catching feelings?
Sep 17, 2024