i know im annoying obsessed with my inner morals. it can get in the way of play that some friends may want to engage in, but ultimately the closest friends r ppl who find play more pleasurable with me because it doesn't compromise our humanity we r building. it doesnt have to be serious when everything is serious if you are surrounded by people that make you into a better you.... aka don't get so mad at yourself for "not fitting in" for something that feels weird to you. You are you and meant to connect w individuals, Not friendgroups. "find your people, not your community"
May 17, 2024

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People are so different and diverse. And what is cultured and tapped in to one group is going to be irrelevant to another. You'll be the most happy and free if you are able to resist all of those pressures toward grouplike and alignment. The pressures will be lifelong, though often with a different flavor than right now. Although the safe thing is to get into that rudderless ship of alikeness with everyone else, the better thing is to love what you love, no apologies, with joy and passion. After a time, they'll come to you.
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Can't reccomend this enough
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if you cant get yourself to put your phone away quite yet, just get yourself to look at the room behind your phone, or the real world, as a constant practice. its like when the screen used to go black between eisodes of netflix loading. a reality check. it feels good, i promise. foreground the bavkground, even for a moment. be kind to yourself
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much more effective, much more confusing, much more true
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