I already hate driving, so I love that it takes roughly the same amount of time to take the bus or light-rail directly to the library. plus, the walk to and from my house to transit is technically exercise and makes my brain and heart happy! there are donuts and coffee near the library, and an antique mall, and an indie movie theater, and a trader joe's, so like, endless activities and places to walk to. & the library has plenty of space to sit and work, free wifi, clean bathrooms, and private study rooms. I can be introverted and quiet, but still be among my community and people watch in a safe environment. and then the best bonus: free books! you mean to tell me that learning and pleasure and literature and poetry is all at my fingertips?? for absolutely free?? you kiddin me????? (attaching my most recent library books that I just finished)
recommendation image
May 23, 2024

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