write out everything you want to say, put it down, come back to it, figure out if it's the right tone, captures your intention, and maintains everyone's integrity. always helpful to run it by another person who you trust to see how it lands.
May 24, 2024

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Depending on the conversation, it could also be an uncomfortable one all parties involved but the only through it is through! Keep in mind why you want to have the conversation in the first place and the importance behind it. Everyone is different, I like to go in and get straight into it but it also helps writing out points or maybe practicing what you’re going to say. Keep your head as leveled and fair as it can be. If needed, take a walk and grab some fresh air afterwards before analyzing how the conversation went. Wishing you the best of luck & it’s all going to be okay! (-:
May 24, 2024
this applies to a lot of things. particularly code reviews. also, i think it's so so so important to be able to say "i don't like how that sounds" during a band practice.
Jan 26, 2024
It bums me out whenever someone's trying to say something but cuts themselves off or says "nevermind" because they assume that they're wasting time. Think it through, or let it come back to you. 3 years ago, I started saying, "Talk through the thought" with my friend, and I think it's made me more patient, and I've ended up hearing/saying some cool shit (or at least some funny shit) that I would've probably missed out on otherwise.
Feb 23, 2024

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