in the spirit of my sun sign being debatably the most hated, here are some of my favorite things about being a gemini:
• we're so creative! some of the most creative people in the world are geminis (kanye, kendrick, lauryn hill, paul mccartney, to name a few)
• we're social chameleons and can talk to almost anyone (and we're real yappers)
• we're very loyal to the people we choose to love
• we're not gonna put up with bullsh*t or terrible behavior and will call people out (see: kendrick/drake beef)
• we're intellectual and love to learn about the world which helps us show empathy to people with different perspectives
• when we're good mentally we're full of life and can light up a room
pls share your favorite gemini traits if you have any. otherwise I don't wanna hear it!!!!