i need structure to survive and it helps to add things to my calendar, because in my brain it's like i've "signed up" to do something for a certain amount of time. whether its a hobby, workout, researching a project, an errand etc it goes in my calendar or to-do list. even if i already did x thing that day, i put it on the list just to cross it off which feels nice :-) it helps me not gaslight myself into thinking i didn't do anything because i can look at the list!
Jun 4, 2024

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this sounds lame but hear me out. i was recently thinking about how ive been very stressed and when i am stressed i dont make time to do the things i like. like recently i haven’t been watching as many movies as i was in the summer. so i added a movie into my calendar for sunday. now i have almost guaranteed that i will watch a movie bc i love following my calendar. i was also worried that i would double book myself a lot this halloween so i was worried to say yes to things. but then i put all the parties in my calendar and now i can keep them straight in my head. i love productivity apps and organization and notion and lists.
Oct 23, 2024
i’ve always felt soooo bogged down by any kind of scheduled events in my life, even if it’s something fun that i should theoretically look forward to. call it ADHD, PDA autism, idk- but to mitigate this dread i find it helpful to write everything down in an online planner (use whatever system works for you). some tips: 1. writing down every little thing enables me to see it all in one place and not worry that there’s something else i’ve forgotten about. knowing i have even just one or two things coming up can feel overwhelming but as soon as i can actually see each item in front of me, it feels a lot less daunting. 2. looking at my schedule every morning helps me mentally prepare for the day 3. i used to spend so much energy thinking about an upcoming activity for the entire day leading up to it because i didn’t want to accidentally forget about it. now, i set alarms for when i need to start preparing for an activity- that way i can put it out of my mind until i actually need to start thinking about it. i know some people feel really burdened by planners/calendars (i refused for the longest time because i like spontaneity and not feeling tied down) but just give it a try and seeee
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I just started doing this instead of making to do lists (literally for anything, work, personal) so it’s very much an experiment right now… I recommend bc I’m a fan so far. My therapist thinks it’s a cope and that’s why I pay her the big bucks (bc she right lol). note - it’s more about putting my to do list on a calendar and not just filling a calendar, I have large of empty space to do with as I please
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