By Virginia Woolf. My first Woolf! Two friends and I all read it in succession, and I found it very captivating and moving. A novel about memory and growing up and and noticing and experiencing life in all its richness in the mundanity of a single day...how did she do it?? I think I will make a pilgrimage to Regent’s park now
Jun 6, 2024

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The first Woolf I read and also one of the first books that really kickstarted my love of reading! I loved it so much I chose to write my A level final piece on it. Stream of consciousness style but without feeling inaccessible (dont talk to me about James Joyce). I tried The Waves afterwards but found that less gripping. Definitely read Mrs Dalloway!
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It is one of those reads that no synopsis of mine can encompass the multitudes hidden within those pages. It is a great comfort if you’re feeling lonely or particularly ‘nuts’ because no one depicts the gnarly & honest nature of internal “madness“ like Woolf. She writes from raw experience—and she’s not trying to teach you anything either. Another thing she does like no one else is demand the readers attention on the overlooked. She follows this modernist/mystic tradition that the mundane & sublime are more alike than we think, if we are truly conscious. .
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Top Recs from @zezealot

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I really struggled with all the unstructured time post-grad and my body totally flipped like what do you MEAN I have nothing to do and if I do nothing, nothing will happen? This rec is annoying, but as a skilled layabout, it really helped me overcome the whole “what do I do all day” thing and also the “why am I falling asleep at 3 AM and waking up at noon?” thing to make a loose schedule and try to adhere. If you’re applying for jobs, school, or even just pondering what to do next, think about:  At what time during the day do I feel most awake and alive? Then, block out like four hours around that window. I try to do 90 minutes of focused work at a time with like 60 minutes between for chilling. So, if you can start with two little blocks of working on applications or doing some intentional, focused pondering, great. Gradually, you can increase the amount of work if you want.  Then, plan the rest of your day around things you need and want to do - move your bod, eat, socialize. Things like talking a short walk in the morning to get some sunlight, going to the movies, and calling friends, lighten me up!  Keep it simple babe!  Post-grad, I laid on a couch for three months in stay at home girlfriend mode totally consumed by fear. I asked a lot of older people how they figured things out and they told me that nobody ever does. I like to do some meditations on intention and listening to yourself (linked). And I agree with capyboppy...try to stay present and pay attention to what you got going on right now! The weight of future is heavy becuase you probably want your life to be sick and meaningful….and that’s cool.
Jun 11, 2024
I do not like body horror and did not like this movie. Perhaps the inverse will prove true for you. I had to go bowling after because I needed to move my body to Stop thinking about that one scene. Directed by Julia Ducournau, who also directed Raw.
Mar 20, 2024
By Fyodor freaking Dostoevsky Ever heard of it??? I’m still in the crime…waiting for the punishment.
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