I initially had an indifferent perspective on my name. First seeing it as something entirely boring and a little old fashioned in a family full of “classically named“ american folks, then to seeing it as surprisingly over played the older I got.
In recent years I’ve essentially truncated my last name to Sage because my surname is difficult to spell & pronounce. I love that many adult acquaintances don’t know my real name and I have this built in botanical association I’ve *chosen*.
No matter how common the name is in the real world, and I’m no longer the only Caroline like the small town I grew up in, I do find it undeniably sweet.
I love that many people have positive associations with my name, and there’s a certain joy associated with it because of countless songs in pop culture. For the past few years one of my go to social media bios is “the one all of those songs are named after.”
No nicknames stuck much as a child, besides being called “C” here and there, with my sibling called “B.” But in recent years my best friend started calling me *Care*, hence the username, and it’s the first nickname I’ve connected with and felt loved through. Sorry to all the Caro-s and Carols out there, I always felt frumpy when I was called either growing up.
My mom causally claims that God, yes God, told her to name me in a dream way before her pregnancy. I like to affirm I was given the name because it’s *in my being to care* but I can‘t wait to see what nicknames I collect with the more people I meet, love, and am known by <3
always loved the name Virginia as well, and Chrysanthemum because of the children’s book.