Neither — its homeopathic throat spray time. Shit will make you feel like a million bucks. I worked a conference with this shit and sang a few songs while fighting some allergy post nasal drip that made my throat angry. Get down to the co-op and get you some!
I swear by this stuff and Coldeeze. That and adding some Manuka honey to your tea. I think that combo cut my cold time in half last time I was sick, it was great.
Burn all the bacteria (or viruses) away while at the same time soothing your throat! Currently also sick and just gargled some salt water too. The worst part for me is choking on phlegm and junk in my chest. I have tried every medicine out there and still struggle!! Going to try a spoonful of honey before bed because two people told me to do that today. 🤞
The more you do it, the more you realize anything is possible. Anyone judging you is projecting. Hit that pavement and hit it hard cause it just makes everything easier and removes the charge.
You can do it small or do it big. But….do it.