If you want an easy introduction to the world of film photography, I recommend you start off with a point and shoot film camera and then upgrade to a more traditional film camera that has more functions and manual flexibility with things like shutter speed and aperture.
The Pentax Espio 738 is a great workhorse of a film camera that's easy-to-hold, has a lot of automatic functions and applies the appropriate settings to shoot pics without you having to worry much about over or underexposing your photos. It's great for street photography and has a fucking powerful flash (like blindingly bright, but super good for illuminating dark, low-light scenes).
Another important feature is the camera's automatic advancing and rewinding capabilities. Most SLR (single lens reflex) cameras require you to advance and rewind your film manually, which isn't super hard to do, but if you're just starting out/anxious about messing up your roll of film on your first couple of attempts, it's nice to have a camera that already does that for you.
The final reason I like recommending this camera is the price point. I got mine a few years ago from a dude on fb marketplace who was selling it for $50 but I managed bargain it down to $25. With that in mind, I've seen this camera being sold anywhere between $50 to $150 online and considering how expensive film cameras are currently, this model is on the cheaper end of things. Really good if you wanna try things out before investing in a more expensive film camera.
Hope this helps!