was on my watch list after seeing the insane trailer like six months ago or something and it's on hulu now so i gave it a shot and i'm a big fan. it's like these small interlinked slightly satirical, but also poignant (although at times heavy handed) vignettes and there's this cool anachronistic feeling to the whole thing so the fact that shit just kind of happens works. it's also this really bizarre inditement, but also like appreciation of america, so that's happening. ayo edibiri is in it and so is jacob elordi (you'll never guess what happens to this man lol) and they're good so is simon rex and the cast... i don't know, i'm not exactly the most articulate movie reviewer but it does feel distinctly different than a lot of other movies that have come out as of recent, and i think that that's worth something. go watch
Jun 22, 2024

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