i constantly have to remind myself that i have just as much of a right to be in spaces as other people do. i think a lot of my issues with taking up space came from feelings of guilt and shame that started when i was a kid. as i’ve gotten older i’ve realized that i haven’t done anything wrong and don’t need to feel that way. challenging those thoughts for me usually looks like joining conversations that spike my interest and actively participating, going to events that i like even though i might not feel like they’re made for me (like concerts where the crowd is 80% men), and by dressing how i want to. my clothes are a huge reflection of me and for a long time i was afraid to wear what i wanted because of how my body would be perceived. however, i noticed i’m much more comfortable when i’m in clothes that i like, so now i wear what makes me feel happy and that’s improved my mood in general. you don’t need to feel shame or guilt. you deserve to be happy and enjoy your life and take up as much space as you’d like :)
I know it’s corny but it’s genuinely so freeing to just do what you like. In the last year I started to really embrace my gender identity especially with my physical appearance. Being able to freely dress as you please and express yourself is so incredibly freeing. My confidence has sky rocketed. Being willing to express yourself regardless of societal pressure to appear a strict way. Be out there be bold!!!
been thinking a lot about self-awareness lately and what makes me “me.” I’m always trying to figure out how to transform my inner critic to real personal growth without shame.
being honest and not editing myself to any given room was one of the first things I began to tackle in therapy. existing among other humans is an ongoing give and take, and Being Who You Are without apology while treating others with respect is really all you need to do in this life. learning how to be kind and true, and finding the good amongst so much bad and then sharing it with others makes the world go ‘round
on my old car i used to have a bumper sticker that said “i hope you have a good day” on it. one day i came out of the grocery store and someone had left a note on my car on a sheet of paper from their notebook that said “i hope YOU have a good day!” i think about the person that went out of their way to leave that note a lot and hope that they know how sweet that was. i kept the note and put it in my junk journal/scrapbook and when i’m having a bad day i like to look at it.