You have things that are wilting, crying out to be used. I had a slightly soft turnip, carrot, bendy celery, and scallions that we’re getting a wee bit slimy.
Brown the vegetables that can handle it (the root vegetables—don’t put your alliums 🧅 yet)
Then add the softer stuff, celery, onion, leek, whateva.
Big bomb of garlic and Rosemary, if you have it.
At this point I add a base that I use for a lot of soups and such which is tomato paste and miso (bc I never have stock on me). And whatever spices you think go. Paprika and cumin.
Can of chickpeas. Mash like 1/3 of them for thicker soup base.
If you have a hardy green like kale, chop it up, toss it in. if your greens are not Hardy, add later.
Some tomatoes, canned peeled. (TIP: do NOT add the sauce from these canned tomatoes, save it for later or something, it’d simply too powerful and will cover up the tastes.)
Water — enough that some will evaporate and you’ll still have enough soup in the pot. and salt, a good amount bc vegetable soup needs it and if you’re like me haven’t used stock..
Let boil, then simmer Like 20 mins. Taste. MAJOR: apple cider vinegar and W sauce puts this shit over the edge !! You can toss in some pasta like ditalini if you want. Grown up alphabet soup. I actually do not cook the pasta in the soup bc it fucks up the water levels, make on the side and then add imo.
Ok enjoy :-)