Iā€™m the fourth of six kids, so growing up there simply werenā€™t enough eyes to really keep us all in check. Apparently I was ā€œlow needsā€ (learned behavior) so it was really easy for me to sneak away, and I did often. When I was around 5 or 6 we were visiting family in Connecticut. I met some kids at the beach and when they invited me to their house, I just followed. My parents at some point noticed I was gone and freaked out, but found their way to me through various people directing them. I guess we walked along the sea wall and could have easily fallen onto some sharp rocks šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. They found me miles away, playing in the kidsā€™ backyard, unscathed. I also got lost at Disney when I was 7. They found me marching in the parade. I know for sure I have some guardian angels, even before I had confirmation, because Iā€™ve done a lot more of this in more dangerous situations and I was always relatively fine.
Jul 4, 2024

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