no love will ever remain the same… as time goes on the initial feeling fades away, no more late night calls and all that stuff. but still you love this person and now you have to look for new ways and things to do to keep the spark going and alive. its a beautiful but a sad thing for me. because in some cases, some people could lose feelings, end things and “move on” or “find someone new”... doesnt really change anything to me because the same old cycle repeats itself. the first stage is always beautiful, but with time, it’ll probably fade away again. its weird
Jul 7, 2024

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sincere posting look away if ur not a lovestruck fool sometimes i look at this man with so much love in my heart it feels like butterflies again. i have best friends, of course. i love them so much and they will be in my life forever. but in these moments i’m struck with the thought “you are truly my best friend.” in past relationships, i’d try to force that feeling. now, it really does just occur to me. i get so excited for forever with him. most days, it’s not like this. most days we’re just together and there’s no stress or worry about our relationship. we’re just two people together, happy and that’s that. i am so used to this kind of love, it’s become my normal. but some days, i am struck by how in love i am and how lucky i am. the first time i realized this was forever, a part of me felt weird about that. i had to say goodbye to the part of me that loved first dates, first kisses, and the ‘will they won’t they.’ Forever was always what I was looking for, but when presented with it, I worried about never feeling that way again. Anyway, I don’t get first date feelings now, and I’ll never kiss someone new. But this feeling is so much better. He’s asleep right now, and I cannot wait for him to wake up so I can spend another day laughing with him.
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Jan 18, 2025
truly nothing has altered my life in the way romantic love has. I was always so afraid of vulnerability and touch but once you start and even fail, you grow so much. Honestly, the trials of it are the most revealing. It seems so so scary but it is worth it always. And you both have to start from somewhere!! You are lucky that you’re friends and can hopefully work on communicating what you both are feeling in this moment as well. Maybe it does come a lonely place, but imagine if you healed that loneliness? Or even got an inch closer to understanding how to fill that void? The relationship may not be forever. This is true of any relationship. Have you had a turbulent friendship so far? If there are situations where this person tried to purposefully hurt your feelings, I’d reconsider. Otherwise, if you’re honest and communicative along the way, I think you could maintain that stability with them. I’d find ways to keep your sanity as well (journaling, going on walks, talking with [other] friends), as someone who has felt “crazy” in love It’s hard to change and allow change into your life. But how will you know what life could be like if you don’t try? It’s hard to force yourself to do it. I’m such a worrier; I even started writing fears and desires down about the slightest changes, only to look back days later even to see that they’re resolved and petty. Change can hurt you and scare you and make you look back at your past self and wonder how that was your life before these moments, but it is always worth trying something different, seeing your life in a different light. One of my favorite quotes is from “Giovanni’s Room” by James Baldwin:“Somebody….your father or mine, should have told us that not many people have ever died of love. But multitudes have perished, and are perishing every hour--and in the oddest places!-- for the lack of it.” This is all very lovey-dovey but I really think it’s worth seeing if it works, openly communicating with this person, and letting the change pass over you!
Nov 18, 2024

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