I tink born in this place made me the person who I am today, in some ways. I would not be the same if i was born and live the early years of my life in another place. ps: I was touching my ass bc I seated in a cold rock for almost 3 hours :s
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Jul 14, 2024

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but not california
Mar 24, 2024
i live in england now, i have adopted some of the cultural norms ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't even really mean this in the sense that some accents may be harder to understand when speaking English, but in the sense that my accent has always been out of place. I'm an Asian-Australian in the sense that I was born to a 100% Filipino family who moved to Australia when I was very young from England, and obtained citizenship. I have lived a majority of my life here in Brisbane, and I would sooner call it home before Bacolod City or (god forbid) Birmingham. I have never, ever, ever had an Aussie accent. For as long as I've known, my accent has been the thickest "general American" accent ever. Only somewhat recently I learned I have the "International School Accent", which is a vaguely American sounding accent apparently picked up by students studying at international schools, something I never did. I think the leading theory is that while I maintain some Australian pronunciations ("Aussie", "Australia", "mum", etc.) due to being around Aussies my whole life, I mostly speak "American" due to the strong amount of American media I was watching when I was still learning English (and as a consequence forgetting Tagalog sadly). Kinda cool! To this day people will ask me "Are you a Yank?". I'm just happy to have such a common conversation starter.
Jan 15, 2025

Top Recs from @camimonteross

I think is a real way to see multiple forms of art in one single room. In general: the play as a whole. In detail: the scenography, costume design, lighting design, music or sounds, the actoral performance, etcetc good cultural thingy hehe
Jul 4, 2024
is fun, you can practice writing with words you never use and u can pretend like u are a character in pride and prejudice
Jul 11, 2024