I think is a real way to see multiple forms of art in one single room.
In general: the play as a whole.
In detail: the scenography, costume design, lighting design, music or sounds, the actoral performance, etcetc
good cultural thingy hehe
Yesterday I went to the theater (for the second time this year) :)) Each year I promise myself I'll try going to the theater once a month and I haven't succeed yet but this year looks promising so far :))
I was raised to believe theater is something reserved for 'the elites' (whatever that means) and people with an exquisite taste so trying this out and actually forming opinions like with any other field of art feels amazing. Maybe next time I'll even bring myself to go see an opera.
So yea, just me trying to fight with the idea of being not educated enough to enjoy 'fine art'.
I recently got into photography again after a year of not touching my camera, I'm very happy to create and do something that I love since I was 14.
I will share a pic that I took last week in a small city rounded by nature 🥺
I tink born in this place made me the person who I am today, in some ways. I would not be the same if i was born and live the early years of my life in another place.
ps: I was touching my ass bc I seated in a cold rock for almost 3 hours :s