i graduated from art school with a photography and creative writing degree about 3 years ago and have been in a masters program for creative writing and english since then. i felt like i never wanted to do another photo project again after graduating and had zero ideas for one even if i wanted to. so instead i just carried my 35mm camera around with me whenever i went on trips or hung out with my friends or went on hikes, whatever. i only took photos of things that i thought were nice. old buildings, my friends in good lighting, colorful displays, pretty flowers, whatever other pinterest cliche film photos you could think of. taking photos without the stress of needing to make something important made me able to keep my love of photography so i'm now at the point where i'm ready to embark on a real fine arts conceptual project. it really does just take patience and finding ways to retain the joy it once brought you. creating with friends also always makes it more fun, so find ways to include others in what you do!
the photo below is just one i took of my friend anthony when we were wandering the city and day drinking on labor day and it inspired what will be my next project, and the first real one i'll attempt since graduation <3