I love crafting and junk journaling but it can be an expensive/over-consumptive hobby. I’ve started taking to Canva to make collages of images I find on Pinterest or Google and print them out at home. I also create motifs or find prints and collages on Pinterest and print those out for background paper. And I have photo paper so that I can print pictures that look just as good as getting them from a print shop. Printer ink can be expensive but when I think about how much I’ve been able to create and compare it to spending the price of ink on a single stationery shopping trip, it balances out for me.
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Jul 15, 2024

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something I hoard is posters/postcards that I used to hang on the wall but I can’t throw them away because I still think They‘re cool so I started using them collage with instead and this can apply to all sorts of items if you might be interested in junk journaling but yea highly recommend
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