I totally get the temptation to ask insightful and thought-provoking questions but remember sometimes you need to keep it simple. If it's a loud party with lots of people, not everyone is going to want to have a super deep conversation with someone they just met. Small talk is annoying and tedious but sometimes it's a much-needed entry point. Meet some cool people, get their contact info, and then message them later with some big questions.
Jul 20, 2024

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this might not all apply to you, but sometimes if I overthink social interactions in general, I end up missing out on what could have been a really good conversation. I usually like to ask myself what I’m genuinely curious about/want to know about a specific person and let my questions lead into a more fruitful discussion. worst case scenario is that don’t take the bait and then the conversation ends, but most of the time I find people like talking about themselves, which can lead to something y’all have in common. I also don’t put pressure on myself to “make a friend” after one interaction. some people require crumbs of interactions before they start to let you in!
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When I list the things that are off bounds for a first time interaction, I then realize the sheer amount of things that are in bounds! I sort of have 3 big no-no's for first time convos, and you can decide for yourself if these feel right for you: - party politics [I leave other kinds of politics in as fair game: class warfare or the rise of fascism or the opportunity for anarchic community building, etc.] - religion - personal finances there are probably others, but those are the big 3 imo. from there, I like to ask lots of how questions: - how did you feel when you discovered your latest favorite song? can you pinpoint why it made you feel that way? - how did you meet the host? - how did you get into that hobby/line of work/subculture? - how do you find joy/inspiration/motivation in your daily life? - how do you like to dance? - how good is this coors/pabst/french onion dip/potato chip/music/etc? - how long has it been since your last speeding ticket? - how long do you think you could last without eating a potato? etc. you could also ask any of the fun questions that perfectlyimperfect asks: - fave things to put on toast - your go-to email signature - unique staple in your fridge BUT TRULY!!! spencerto is right: don't over do it!
Jul 20, 2024
The key to mingling with strangers! People need to do this more in social settings!
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One of the few apps with no ephemeral "story" feature or whatever so you don't need to check it every 24 hours. Cherish this.
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Maybe some kettle cooked chips as well… on a paper plate… now we're talking
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