i think it’s important to spend more time learning about the you now. i can honor who i was when i was younger without relating to my immature ideals. i also don’t remember much about my childhood, but from what i do remember, i am pretty much exactly opposite in a lot of things. i would hate if my personality reflected some of the things i was taught growing up. i also changed my name a few years ago, which makes me view young me as an entirely different person. but i really really like who i am now, and i’ve been intentionally exploring lots of things to find out what i actually like, connect to, and what brings me life. don’t get stuck on the past (:
Aug 5, 2024

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the memories you described are so vivid for you because these are likely the formative experiences with those things that marked your first conscious interactions with them. as your child self this was an automatic process, but if you are intentional in approaching your current experiences with this same perspective, it could be enlightening. maybe you stop to notice the taste of a favorite food, what was it about the flavor that first drew you to it? maybe listen a bit harder to that one song, which lyric/melody/progression draws you out of passive listening. in general, more active observation and attention to your senses will provide you with new connections to the things that might have become mundane, as you've interacted with them so frequently that your mind numbs you them
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its so fun. theres so many types. abundant cheap options to get into. i recommend looking at jet pens website for both articles and pens you can buy. its a topic with tons of history, but is still modern and active. i have a kaweco aluminum sport which is my favorite but i also love the lamy safaris. could go on for hours about this lovely invention
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