It’s a skill that only gets less scary with practice. Do it with people you won’t ever see again, and do small things! As you get more confident then you can level up to bigger conflict. Like, it’s really amazing how much things aren’t that big of a deal. Anxiety makes it seem to us like we’re unsafe for stating our needs.
My journey was one that included a lot of therapy, which if you look at my stuff I recommend a lot. I was always very willing and able to stand up for others, but not myself, so I did a lot of questioning “if this was someone else, would I be okay with it?” and imagining that I was standing up for younger me. Often times over the top people pleasing was a survival tool that was needed, but isn’t any more.
Also… realize you don’t have to be a bitch. Asking for respect and your needs to be met isn’t bitchy. Does that mindset stop you from standing up for yourself? Conflict can be very simple, straightforward, and respectful. If someone goes off on you, that’s their issue. And that’s something that helped me a lot too- other people’s reactions weren’t entirely because of me. If someone reacted poorly, I could also draw boundaries with how I’m being treated. Pretty cool. Makes me feel like I can handle anything.
Lastly, I worked as a caseworker with DCFS for a few years and that really helped me in the long run. I had to work with and try to help people that hated me, and I learned a lot. While I don’t recommend anyone work for DCFS bc it’s a shit system, being forced to experience conflict so much did the trick.