I’ve been on like 5 bumble dates till now and two of them were the worst experiences ever, the other three were ok.
I feel like there is a pressure on everyone to find someone, this pressure came upon me thanks to my therapist🥰✌️🥰✌️🥰she said to me, you are going to uni and never been in a relationship wtf is wrong with u🥹❤️🥹❤️
sooo I stumbled upon bumble and other dating apps and my first date was me getting sexually assaulted 😋😭😔🤪🤫💕😬🇺🇸
then somehow I continued going on dates with just girls bc fuck men am I right? and they were just basically a waste of time 😁
now after my fifth and hopefully final date from a dating app, I am officially quitting this. I feel so worthless trying to show myself off by just some lousy pictures and a one liner that says nothing about me.
I just want to live on my own and like someone not by how they want to be seen, but how they actually are
I feel so ashamed of even being on a dating app sometimes, that I get depressed. I get this feeling that I am superficial and just desperate for attention. I need the validation of someone I don’t even know to feel like I am worth something.
Not being loved till now has made me feel like I am worth nothing, that nobody will ever want me or need me. That is why I continue doing this shit and I am stopping TODAY
wish me luck😬🥰🚬🥺🤪🚬😬👈🥰🦅😮💨