work catered chipotle for us today, slay! and there was a decent amount leftover, and i was debated making a plate to bring home. for a moment, i was worried about seeming greedy, but then i realized, who actually cares! if i don't bring home some, someone else will, and so it goes on. or, it would be wasted, which the thought of that is just.... devastating! you deserve to bring home the leftovers 🍴
Aug 23, 2024

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why yes, i will happily take the full untouched entree home
Jan 29, 2025
I am consistently surprised when people don’t take home leftovers from restaurants. Immense food waste. What the fuck is wrong with you? They taste great the next day and require little to no effort to re-heat / prepare.
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I got a slow cooker and brisket from the store last week. I slow cooked the meat for 18 hours and it was so good and tender, but I forgot I lived alone I guess? Bc after brisket tacos, bbq brisket sandwiches, hot honey brisket over rice, etc. I got so tired of it. I was telling a few friends about my issue with finishing it and a few were down to take the leftovers off my hands. I prepped everyone some deli containers of brisket (and a side of coleslaw, I’m southern sue me!) and delivered it around this afternoon. I love cooking and do it often, but was quite nervous about having ppl eat my leftovers. Turns out I had nothing to worry about bc two ppl already proposed to me bc it was so good. Very validating day!
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