I have a bad habit of redirecting the conversation to myself. And I notice when I’m about to do it and stop but sometimes i just talk away. I suppose it’s fine when it adds to the previous topic point but I just hate doing it so often I really am a talker but I need to be more of a listener. This experience is yours and I need to listen and not barge in with my own.
Sep 14, 2024

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Try talking to someone without “oh yeah, when something similar happened to me…” or “that reminds me of [me story]” Or “I totally understand because I…” - It’s hard, but worth trying
Feb 6, 2024
It bums me out whenever someone's trying to say something but cuts themselves off or says "nevermind" because they assume that they're wasting time. Think it through, or let it come back to you. 3 years ago, I started saying, "Talk through the thought" with my friend, and I think it's made me more patient, and I've ended up hearing/saying some cool shit (or at least some funny shit) that I would've probably missed out on otherwise.
Feb 23, 2024
I’ve had this issue for a while where I’m in this situation where it’s either a group setting and or one on one where I can never seem to say the right things. I’m sure it’s very common but it’s so frustrating! Like no matter how hard I try everything that leaves my mouth seems to come from a place of trying to draw a reaction instead of a thought. It’s my mouth being evil and talking for me. I feel it comes out most in settings where there is a new person or someone cool but you can’t address them as you are in a group. Whether that be someone who you don’t know much about but are curious about, or someone you have once had a good conversation with but now are burdened to accomodate smaller conversation bursts and light quips because groups are to share conversations not really divide into multiple? I dunno maybe it’s me being silly, I just get agitated by meaningless joking that never falls into a more hearty conversation. It’s like conversational edging AGGHHH. It’s like having this totally awesome sandwich in front of you but only being allowed to have one bite every 20 minutes And it’s also like the being perceived of it? Like if someone does break off into a side convo it’s always “hmmm what are they talking about”. I always come out of situations like this feeling so lame because I was the funny quip guy for the night and not the damn I learnt so many cool stories off that guy guy. Can’t a man yearn a yap DAYUM
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pls keep talking about it and sharing it and learning about it, it’s all we could really do
Feb 27, 2024
Deleted tiktok and finished three books in a week. I should’ve deleted the app sooner. It’s actually so insane how ingrained tiktok scrolling has been in my daily routine. without the app I was just scrolling through the most random apps ever, then realized like damn this is a problem 😭 I miss it bad but I also don’t need it. Twitter is next 🙏 I need to fill my time with productive and fulfilling activities, no more mindless scrolling ‼️
Mar 27, 2024
Don’t do it.
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