My sleep routines are complete chaos. in the couple years after being diagnosed with CFS I managed to get a routine that was: bath, meditate, read, journal, sleep. No phone for an hour before bed, I’d literally leave it downstairs. Audiobook to sleep. I think back to this with bemused fondness. During this time I was incredibly isolated so didnt really have anyone to message or things to look at on my phone anyway. As soon as I had friends, a group chat, a boyfriend, a life etc that all goes out the window. I am all or nothing. life is simply too stimulating for my brain, having passions and relationships is exciting and when I have them (which thank god I do though) I am thinking about and interacting with them always. My bedtime routine is sometimes good and I’ll read and journal and sleep well. At others I’m up scrolling til 2am, I sometimes watch ASMR to sleep, if I’m really feeling bad I’ll watch Howl’s Moving Castle. Some days I just put on an audiobook and sleep immediately, others I’m fighting for my life until the wee hours. i am a fully grown adult who once had to go on sleeping pills because I couldn’t stop compulsively knitting until 7am during a particularly stressful and exciting essay deadline week. Depending on my pain/exhaustion/adrenaline levels my bedtime can be anywhere from 10pm to 3am. I have never fully written this out, and despite all this I have never really considered myself someone who struggles with sleep lmao.