Sometimes it's very frustrating when I listen to people complain about someone and they're just not even trying to look at it from their point of view. It's true that in some cases the other person is just being stupid or mean, but there's something a bit insidious happening nowadays where people will just not even try to put themselves in another person's position. It's a little bit depressing how little you hear "maybe she's right" or "maybe I'm wrong"
Sep 18, 2024

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it’s genuinely very hard for me to be mad at another person—unless they are genuinely being unreasonable and deliberately hurtful towards me. but even so, they usually have their own reasons everyone’s allowed to live differently and make different decisions based on how they grew up and grew into the person they are, and i think understanding how inherently different we all are from each other is actually very important—not enough people grapple with that, we don’t actually sit down and comprehend that before reacting and objecting other people i also think we need to be more comfortable with saying “i understand why you think this is the case, i just don’t agree with you, and that’s totally ok”
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I am able to see everything as multifaceted. I know there are more than two sides to the same coin, and I believe things shouldn’t be approached as they appear. being able to recognize this has made me a more understanding person. I’m still a hater to my core, and I still make snap judgements about people cutting me off in traffic or being rude to me in the grocery store and the like, but as someone who works in customer service, it has helped me not take everything so personally. Someone snapping at me, or asking a lot of questions that may seem obvious isn’t necessarily a pock on their character. Someone may be having a bad day, or is really tired, or high, or just hasn’t been here and they are overwhelmed because everything is new and different. I am also able to avoid spiraling about my personal relationships because it really is not about me all the time. And even if/when it is about me, it most likely not malicious. A lot of people have anxieties they don’t recognize actively, but they still act on them. And that is okay. We are all people, we all fuck up, and we all keep living.

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Not all the time of course you have to do stuff on your own sometimes, but we should ask for help more often.
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No other song by him is good can we be honest for a second
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