The taste of Alka Seltzer if my favorite. I always wished for an unmedicated beverage to exist with the same flavor & the closest I've come is Vichy Catalan sparkling water. I love Alka Seltzer for a hangover like I'm in Mad Men. I love keeping it in my purse, offering it to people, & curing ailments from a cold to an upset stomach. It's versatile, classic, & consistent.
Sep 19, 2024

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i am an alka seltzer girlie through and through!!! makes me feel like don draper (nonderogatorily)
Feb 9, 2024
I have a thing about having a lot of liquids nearby, it's sort of a vice, but it's comforting and supposedly healthy. Besides a crucial Nalgene, I like to have a fizzy boy at arms length and, if I can find this Spanish brand it makes me feel like finding Jolt Cola at a pizza place in the 90s. Love Topo Chico but craving something saltier? Vichy is your fix. Matthew Dear introduced it to me when I joined him on tour in Ibiza a decade ago so it probably is also a nostalgia thing for me. One sip takes you away to a little fish joint on the beach, water splashing against on the rocks.
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