hear me out. i know they sound like two dumb bitches BUT i find myself reflecting a lot listening to their podcast because they talk a lot about their feelings and growing up et. also they have and episode with an actual therapist that i find very interesting and healing
okay this isn't your typical podcast recco but i LOVE hearing about peoples lives and breaking down the psychology behind it. bonus points if the podcast has enough people to analyze everyone's povs. i recommend smosh LOL
for those who have ever felt like theyre Too Much . fave podcast of all time actually . only the sexiest and most intellectual people i know listen to the too much pod now that i think about it . my favorite episode is all of them but right now might be ‘sex despite the city w/ matteo’ or ‘an exercise in everything wrong with you’ or ‘how to be your own muse’ . sometimes the niche 2000s toronto coming of age references are jarring but essentially if there were audio iv drips i would say this please ! girl who hasnt heard of headphones
very well researched topics, funny hosts and love that they start every episode reading "mailbox moments" from the fans of the pod
they do deep dives on current topics but also other stuff out of the regular social media discourse
i've been seeing tiktoks of people asking their friends to pick them up from the airport/help moving and no one agrees. honestly what kind of a friend are you if you only care about doing fun stuff together and disappearing in the time of need. and honestly same goes for ignoring stuff in public like you see a woman carrying heavy bags and you just walk by? or when people don't offer their seats in transport for the elderly or sick? very strange to me. be kind to others personal boundaries are overrated