Iā€™m quite the sentimental kid so I am constantly in my head about time passing. Iā€™ve found though that the practice of looking back (I read my old journals, for instance) and really being in awe sometimes of just how far Iā€™ve come helps. In a similar but opposite vein, looking forward (making set goals and taking the time to imagine the person youā€™ll become) is great too. If youā€™ve forgotten memories you once assumed would stay with you forever, consider that the space in your memory/mind had to open up for something even better thatā€™s coming along. Take the time to wonder what those better memories could be. Thereā€™s something equally terrifying and incredibly liberating about time. You wanna go back about as bad as you wanna skip ahead, thatā€™s the game. Coping with it looks different for everyone, though. These are just my two cents and whatā€™s been helping me at this moment in my life.
Oct 3, 2024

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Whenever I find myself thinking too much about how I cannot collect all of my past, I think abt the junk lady from labyrinth and it scares me back into the present. journal, take photos, write down the important things that happen, but do not wallow in them. all the time you spend looking back over your shoulder is time youā€™re taking away from whatā€™s right in front of you. new memories will come. The most important memories will never slip away. time is something youā€™re still in the middle of. and how exciting it is to change !
Oct 3, 2024
iā€™m a very nostalgic and sentimental person. i feel that iā€™ve lived a majority of my life in my head, and i find that i enjoy the past more than i ever enjoy the present. i donā€™t think nostalgia is a bad thing, but i can definitely fall into feeling sad because iā€™m yearning for different eras of my life (hereā€™s the kicker- even if i know i was actually miserable during that time, but now that iā€™m slightly more removed, iā€™ve romanticized the experience) well the other day my mom and i talked about the idea of being nostalgic for the moment youā€™re currently in. notice all of the little details that are creating the experience youā€™re having, and be grateful that you live a life thatā€™s worth remembering and looking back on. file that moment away, so then, weeks/months/years from now when youā€™re looking back on this moment, youā€™ll know that you experienced it fully.
Mar 5, 2025
Time passing, days turning and years passing, is a reminder to be present. You wonā€™t remember or be able to write everything down to every detail. You canā€™t always remember how the birds sounded that one day, how that coffee really made that day better or be able to capture how that river or mountain truly made you truly feel. Coping with the passage of time is to practice being present, in those moments thinking to yourself ā€œbe present, enjoy this as itā€™s happeningā€ & being grateful for it.
Oct 3, 2024

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When I got into college, I had this thing where I would pick a class crush and a class enemy for every class I was enrolled in. It was fun and a way to ensure I was actually going to class and not skipping (to impress your crush you have to say insightful things and seem smart so you keep up with the course reading/to be a good enemy, you have to be well versed in the course reading to make a good counter argument to whatever your enemy is yapping about). Itā€™s always been fun and now as a Ph.D. student finishing up coursework, I am proud to say that I declared what might likely be my last class crush/enemy ever. This is all to say that recently I have been letting the crush/enemy paradigm bleed out into other aspects of my life and that Iā€™d recommend it to others. If you wanna meet new people or make new friends, find a crush and enemy everywhere you go. Charm the crush, get into an argument with the enemy. It helps pass the time and you might fall into a friends to lovers or enemies to lovers dynamic which is always a good time.
Sep 12, 2024
I made the decision to "downgrade" to a flip phone and I genuinely think it is the best decision I've made in a long time. It's weirdly connected me to my inner-child. Which, in retrospect, I reckon I should have expected. The camera quality sucks in the best way, but I carry my Canon camera around too in case I need to capture something more important. I've been calling my friends more because T9 texting is a drag. Haha, I've been texting like "do u wanna c a movie l8er?" I talk to strangers more when I'm waiting in line, when I can't look something up. I've been writing questions in my journal because I can't look it up in the moment, I have to get onto the computer later in the day and satiate my ever-flighty mind. Don't get me wrong, it sucked at first, but the intrigue absolutely helped. It has just been a fun way to spend the summer I guess. Screen time is down, my boredom has breed creativity, and I feel far more present in the world. If you've been thinking about trading your smart phone in for a dumb phone, take this as a sign. I recommend it immensely.
Jul 15, 2024