Feel your feelings without judgment. Spend as much time with people who love you as possible. Make a list of things that bring you happiness/peace/comfort and try to do them. Above all, be exceptionally kind, gentle, and compassionate with yourself. Remember that you won’t feel this way forever. There is a beautiful future ahead. You’re on your way 🫡
Oct 6, 2024

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May 25, 2024
As someone who is maybe 2ish connections removed from the situation Im assuming you may be referring to… I am so deeply sorry 💔 hope you know that there are many strangers out there who are rooting for you and think you deserve to be happy and treated well, despite being strangers … As someone who has been through a lot of heartbreak, the advice already given in previous comments is really great . I think in my experience, having 1 or 2 friends that you know really love you and get you, that you can spend time with even if you are really sad and not contributing much, was helpful. If you feel the need to talk about your feelings try to keep it to those people, or a journal. Once you start to feel a little better going out with more people and being more social can really help remind you of what is valuable about YOU.. what YOU enjoy and bring to the world.. Above all it helped me to remind myself that life is going to go on. You will move on, no matter how long it might take. It might feel like the worst thing in the world but i promise you will get through it. It’s just a matter of time :) be kind to yourself while time passes. I cant emphasize enough how deeply I have felt so heartbroken I thought I couldnt go on. Multiple times. Yet here I am.. and you will be okay too ❤️
Mar 3, 2024
as much as you can - allow yourself to feel the pain. don’t judge yourself for however you’re feeling. keep busy and devote time to yourself but forgive if sometimes you still gotta stay in and sob. build up a beautiful life while grieving at the same time - and eventually you will realize you’re now as fully engaged with joy, pleasure, & passion as you once were with heartbreak !!!
Mar 16, 2024

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