how does one stop feeling so lonely after moving back home from college early to take a gap year i’m struggling
Oct 19, 2024

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Since some big life changes that have left me feeling incredibly alone. I’ve had time to reflect on it and I wanted to share what has helped me so far.. 1. loneliness, in its solitude, is an emotion, a way in which we feel. I’ve found it so difficult to stop thinking ‘I have no one and I am alone’. but try to replace it with ‘I am feeling lonely right now, how can I stop this?’ Everything is temporary, including this feeling. 2. Find autonomy with your time. When I became lonely I soon became depressed. A vicious cycle of feeling lonely but only refining yourself to your bed and room. You don’t need to do things with people to help this feeling. Just do the thing! find hobbies and activities that you enjoy first. It gives you more autonomy and confidence. 3. You probably don’t need that person that you think will ‘fix’ the problem. How you feel should not be dependent on anyone but yourself. Any other tips? I still feel like shit. It’s just some realisations I’ve had. *pic because nice*
growing up I spent a majority of my time alone. I was pretty socially anxious and insecure but I also just had niche hobbies and interest that I enjoyed in solitude since it was hard to find others to share them with. as i’ve gotten older i’ve realized how quickly solitude can become isolation and I found (when deprived by the pandemic and other life changes around that time) that i had a deep need for community and friendship that I had neglected. now i’m a lot more comfortable in my own skin and confident socially, and while an empty day at home used to be very comforting to me I can’t stand them now. I need to get out of the house and at least be around others haha. opposite to mouse‘s lyric, I took the myers briggs and swapped all my Is for Es
Jun 13, 2024
I am starting to worry that I enjoy my own solitude too much. Rarely going out, I don't feel a need to socialize, make new friends, and dating seems like a risk. A true quality connection make me happy and feel fullfed but how do I get back to a place of wanting that? Being alone just gets easier and easier. whomp whomp
Apr 23, 2024

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