I started going to shows alone when I was in college for the same reason. Friends don’t always have the same taste as you, sometimes you‘re the only one in town, etc. I’m a pretty introverted person, but I’ve always been a believer in the idea that going alone and not having a good time is still better than not going and regretting it. It‘s more likely though that you’ll have an awesome time! The cool thing about going to a concert alone is that you have something in common with everyone in attendance (you‘re into the same artist and you’re in the same city). One of my closest friends is someone I met at a concert I went to alone. We just started talking in line before the doors opened. If you start feeling super awkward, just get there early and talk to people. If that’s not your vibe, just hang out and dance and sing to an artist you like. It’s very freeing and fun and low stakes bc you don’t know anyone there.