I was a little over 5 years younger, and it wasn’t a conscious decision at the time, but looking back now I realised that the relationship was holding me down from growing and reaching my full potential as my own person. I didn’t have many friends at the time, had no voice or thoughts of my own, nor was I able to actually do the things I got around to doing/am finally getting around to doing after it ended (Little things like going clubbing/partying, and getting facial piercings and tattoos). Conclusion: The longevity of a relationship with another person is not always the best indicator for the quality of it.
Oct 21, 2024

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There is a lot of really good advice and input in the other responses, but I just wanted to let you know that about a year ago I broke up and stopped talking to the person I was dating for over 8 years. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know about myself. In that time I’ve picked up a few art classes, fitness classes, and some of those I hated. Every time I was sad that I wanted to do [insert any thing or activity] but I didn’t have someone to do it with, I would go do it alone. This time last year was really hard. I had to drag my ass out of my apartment on long walks. podcasts were my best friends, because my real people friends would be busy some times and that’s okay! yeah I did watch all of love island. Alllll of it. I remember thinking “do I exist if I don’t have a person to tell xyz to??” Like yes girl ofc you do!!!! Right now I feel like my life and my heart are so full And happy and Light!!! Putting myself first and finding out what I like has been amazing and I’m so excited to hear about how You’re doing with it all.
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The dial tone after speaking to someone you loved for the final time over the phone. Crying until you can’t breathe. Your body becoming numb and your mind spinning as you try and process as you end things with your partner. Amicable breakups when you and your former partner still loved each other during said breakup, and then watching them move on from a distance, while you still reminisce on what could have been every now and then—even when you, yourself, have moved on. Feeling lost. Firm believer that breakups build you as a person. I am not the person I was when I was in my first committed relationship. I built myself up, I created boundaries, and I no longer live for anyone else but myself
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I just don't think all friends are forever. I used to think every friend was worth investing in and fighting for to keep around for as long as possible, but it's becoming clear to me that it isn't always the case. Sometimes life situations change, or personalities change, or even the things you had in common with someone changes, and suddenly it's not the same. And that's okay. Other times it's the realization of self-growth and improvement that shifts you from friendships. I had one friend that I used to love to...well, gossip with. And at some point that desire to gossip dissipated from my life (for obvious reasons) and that friendship didn't seem that attractive anymore since it wasn't what I wanted to do. I remember when we felt the drift happen, it was so awkward for a bit but I genuinely feel like whenever we connected it would just become...toxic. And it wasn't like they made me worse; we both made each other worse. The idea of 'I have to leave them, they are bringing me down' is BS - it's a two way street buddy. They made me want to gossip / I made them want to gossip. You have to own your part in it. IDK! I just think at 30, there are people I though I'd be close to today that I am not close to at all and although I might miss them, I fully understand that I'm better and healthier and more sane because of that distance. IDK. I'm caffeinated rn. And in my feels. And Bon Iver isn't making it better!!!
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