Donā€™t become numb. Nothing is cringe. Be less ironic. Caring is the coolest thing you can do. Turn soft and lovely whenever you can. Individualism is dumb. Depending on people is beautiful. We are all one. Talk to somebody on the train or in the store. Smile at people walking past you. Free yourself.
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Nov 4, 2024

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my personal mantra is ā€œif everythingā€™s cringe, nothingā€™s cringeā€ and it sounds so silly but it really has helped me. also i spent my teenage years burying myself under 16 layers of irony, so now anything i do out of genuine interest and curiosity feels like taking a breath of fresh air cuz i donā€™t have to justify it with pretentious or apathetic attitudes, it is so freeing
Apr 17, 2024
I'm of the mind that the fear of being corny or cringe will eventually lead to excessive uniformity and a general aversion to risk taking. Like "such and such is so cringe" so it's probably safer to do nothing instead. This is impossible to say without mad clichĆ©s and platitudes but let me try to cook for a second. I think that detaching yourself from the thoughts of others is very freeing. None of our decisions are made in a vacuum and weā€™re all going to be influenced by something, but redirecting your thought process back towards "what do EYE like/enjoy?ā€ and away from "what do other people THINK about the things I like/enjoy?" has become a healthy reset for me. Iā€™ve also been thinking about the amount of art weā€™ve probably lost out on because someone internalized or felt discouraged by a negative reaction to something that shares a similar vision or concept. I feel that dislike is a guarantee with everything. Itā€™s very easy to do and itā€™s bonding (I do it all the time) but it also helps me realize that there are always going to be things that someone hates and letting that stop you from doing things that bring you joy, will inevitably kill your spirit. I canā€™t imagine a world where Viola Davis didnā€™t cry until she was covered in snot and out of breath, or where Jim Carrey didnā€™t act with his entire body, or where Madonna never rolled around on stage in a wedding dress. A lot of those choices came from doing what other people at the time wouldnā€™t do. Behaviors that people believed were worthy of contempt. Thinking about how if Joni Mitchell didnā€™t write Blue, Fiona might not have written When The Pawn, and SZA might not have written Ctrl, or what would happen if any of them fell into the belief that honesty and vulnerability were cringeworthy acts or something you should run from. People respect a full SEND. If thereā€™s a question of whether or not you should send, choose a full send EVERYTIME. None of these people were praised for their vanity or willingness to be reserved, they were praised for the exact opposite.
Feb 28, 2024
Its endearing to not take yourself so seriously. Almost everything is cringe until itā€™s cool anyway šŸ«¶
Feb 3, 2024

Top Recs from @lilli2000

Itā€™s probably my favourite song ever. For me itā€™s packed with all different emotions. It makes me feel alive and I think it might be a perfect song.
Jan 8, 2025
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Taking a 10 minute walk in the morning right after waking up is uncomfortable but completely changes my day! Try it! i feel like it makes my Adhd better and me more productive but also happy because I enjoy the sun in the morning. Listening to feel good song find a spot in the sun close your eyes and feel your body warm up. Very stone age just woke up leaving the cave now vibes.
Oct 24, 2024
I feel you so much. I used to have extreme existential anxiety so much so that sometimes I couldnā€˜t sleep. Lately this has changed I canā€™t exactly pin point why but thereā€™s a couple of thoughts that calm me down. Firstly we as humans always think we have it all figured out and we know what happens after but even if you are atheist you donā€™t know whatā€™s going to happen and probably never will. For me the fear that thereā€™s just nothing after death just lights out was scary but how would we actually know this is going to happen, we see ourselves as omniscient although there are so many things that we will probably never discover or understand. You have to learn how to live with the uncontrollability and uncertainty of it. Secondly time passes anyways and death is inevitable no matter what you do. If I worry or if I donā€™t worry Iā€™m going to die, might as well enjoy my time. Life is absurd. I think my existential dread calmed down a bit when I started reading Camus. Maybe life doesnā€™t have to have a meaning. If youā€™re interested in philosophy i definitely recommend reading Camus or thereā€™s also youtube videos that summarise his Philosophy. I really liked ā€žthe fallā€œ and ā€žthe strangerā€œ and am currently reading ā€žthe myth of Sisyphusā€ž. Maybe some of these things resonate with you :))
Oct 29, 2024