everyone i’ve recommended this to has thanked me. listen in full. no track is worth skipping on this one. both lyrically and sonically a work of genius.
Nov 7, 2024

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do yourself a favor and give it a listen this album is, to me, nearly flawless front to back. it turns 20 this year and feels easily like something that could’ve been released in the past couple of months first listened to it all the way through after hearing subzero fun at the river nyc last summer and it’s become a fav ever since ♥️
Sep 19, 2024
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Listen, I just need you to stop whatever you’re doing for a second. This album is perfect. I mean it. Perfect. They’re so under appreciated as a band and relatively unknown. Chances are you’ll be the only person in your friend group who knows of them — imagine how cool you’ll be when you introduce your friends to Sun June. Insane. They’ll worship you. They’ll say “oh _____ is so so cool and hot and smart!” In all seriousness, this was the first album my daughter listened to after being born. Whenever I’m stressed or worried or anxious, this album is a hard reset for me. It’s sort nostalgic regret pop and well worth the listen.
Jun 12, 2024
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The Radio Dept is a band that I feel is severely under appreciated. This album will always hold a special place in my heart. Definitely in my personal top 10. It's like a nice warm hug of Northern European lo-fi reverb-laden goodness. This is also my go-to daytime high album. It's sunshine in sound. Carefree incarnate. Peace, bliss, and fuzz. A good buzz/trip guarantee. Go ahead and give it a try.
Feb 29, 2024

Top Recs from @gawby

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It’s a way to transcend time and to be connected to people in your family you feel you might not easily relate to because of the generational divide, especially if they’ve passed. It’s a look into their genuine interests and personality, especially if they’ve annotated in the margins. The ability to do this is valuable if you can. I think it builds or strengthens empathy, and gives you a stronger foundation for appreciating your family history. Not to mention you’ll likely get an interesting reading experience out of it. The (+) is for great-grandparents and beyond.
Dec 18, 2024
in my very unimportant opinion, too many adult women are obsessed with “girlhood” and embracing a “girly” lifestyle and I can’t for the life of me understand why they aren’t embracing “womanhood.” are adult women simply afraid of what leaving girlhood behind would mean for them? is it the prospect of the added responsibility that comes from being an adult that keeps them attached to their younger years? or is it just the aesthetics of girlhood that keep them in that mindset? yes when we were girls the world was so open, so new, so mysterious. why should that have to change entirely with age? some women may have more lived experiences and aren’t as easily impressed or mystified by things as they were during girlhood, but i think thats all relative to perspective. there are still sensations, mysteries and first times after the age of 25 and even 45 and so on. shouldn’t we experience it through the lens of women who have already passed the trials of girlhood? maybe this is just another millennial problem.
Feb 4, 2025
They played at The Glasshouse. It was my first time seeing them after just getting into them. At some point they played an extended version of Higher Than The Sun and it got to the point where the whole audience was moving together. All of our heads were bouncing the same way, our movements almost blended together. It was transcendent.
Nov 7, 2024