in my very unimportant opinion, too many adult women are obsessed with
“girlhood” and embracing a “girly” lifestyle and I can’t for the life of me understand why they aren’t embracing “womanhood.” are adult women simply afraid of what leaving girlhood behind would mean for them? is it the prospect of the added responsibility that comes from being an adult that keeps them attached to their younger years? or is it just the aesthetics of girlhood that keep them in that mindset? yes when we were girls the world was so open, so new, so mysterious. why should that have to change entirely with age? some women may have more lived experiences and aren’t as easily impressed or mystified by things as they were during girlhood, but i think thats all relative to perspective. there are still sensations, mysteries and first times after the age of 25 and even 45 and so on. shouldn’t we experience it through the lens of women who have already passed the trials of girlhood? maybe this is just another millennial problem.