If you have any heart, then you can see that we need a revolution that would strike the final blow against the greatest cause of misery and exploitation in the world, U.S. Imperialism. I’ve seen a lot of folks who recognize this, but then very pessimistically bemoan the lack of organization among the left. Generally, the people who believe this are not organized themselves, and if they were, they would probably not believe this. They don’t know that as capitalism progresses, it digs its own grave - the crises of 2020 resulted in a swell of membership among all the Red organizations, the Palestine solidarity movement after Oct. 7th saw a swell, and now after Trump’s re-election, we are seeing droves of people join orgs like DSA, PSL, and FRSO. In contradiction between two things (eg. Capitalism being the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat) we can first make quantitative changes (an increase in membership, the establishment of greater union power, the development of political leadership among the masses) which at a certain level makes a qualitative leap that changes the nature of the contradiction. The aspect which was primary, becomes subordinate to that which was secondary. The more we fight, develop, and harm the enemy; the more we shift the scales in our favor and make the possibility of revolution higher. There is hope for a revolution w/in our lifetime.
Nov 15, 2024

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Let me preface that I am not religious and I am not trying to promote the catholic church - respect to the oppressed peoples in Ireland and the Philippines etc. who do rock with catholicism, but I’m not here to defend it. That said, it is neat to recite a cool prayer you learned in catholic school - it hearkens to a time when people would just memorize poetry for fun. Here’s one that I used to recite whenever I was afraid: St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May god rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Bars.
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