I don’t know what the strategy is, but for peoplewho’ve never been involved, finding an organization and actually meeting with it are enormous first steps, so I don’t want to underestimate how difficult it can be to do something new. (source: my whole life) And most people will not know what is going on in the first place. So what I, for one, need to do is to pick one thing and try it. Then do it consistently. Focus on the local where I can make the most difference. Then, when protests get organized or just happen, go out to support them. I also think liberals should have a ton of American flags at protests and rallies; the right wing cannot keep claiming our flag as their symbol. I don’t know how helpful I’ve been but I didn’t like that thishad no replies yet
Nov 23, 2024

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If you have any heart, then you can see that we need a revolution that would strike the final blow against the greatest cause of misery and exploitation in the world, U.S. Imperialism. I’ve seen a lot of folks who recognize this, but then very pessimistically bemoan the lack of organization among the left. Generally, the people who believe this are not organized themselves, and if they were, they would probably not believe this. They don’t know that as capitalism progresses, it digs its own grave - the crises of 2020 resulted in a swell of membership among all the Red organizations, the Palestine solidarity movement after Oct. 7th saw a swell, and now after Trump’s re-election, we are seeing droves of people join orgs like DSA, PSL, and FRSO. In contradiction between two things (eg. Capitalism being the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat) we can first make quantitative changes (an increase in membership, the establishment of greater union power, the development of political leadership among the masses) which at a certain level makes a qualitative leap that changes the nature of the contradiction. The aspect which was primary, becomes subordinate to that which was secondary. The more we fight, develop, and harm the enemy; the more we shift the scales in our favor and make the possibility of revolution higher. There is hope for a revolution w/in our lifetime.
Nov 15, 2024
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it’s the very least we can do. one of the few things america has gotten right is allowing us to protest the government and that’s exactly what we should be doing right now. there are multiple ways of protesting including going to marches, boycotting, addressing your representatives directly, and voting “uncommitted“ in the upcoming primaries to communicate to the democratic party that they are not acting in the people’s interests and that we will not support biden if he continues to fund this occupation and the deaths of tens of thousands of people. please do your part because you’d want people to do the same if it was you in this situation. i’ve linked a list of upcoming protests around the world. please use it. <3
Mar 3, 2024
it's something small but valuable in a time of digital censorship. use your judgment when looking at your news sources to find proper ones and keep a journal of the things happening in the country, whether it's big or small. I've been saving images and videos of things that I think will be suppressed and trying to keep a record of what's happening in case the information control gets even crazier in the future something else I've been doing is downloading any (public domain) books I've been meaning to read (especially leftist theory) off of project gutenberg or the internet archive in case those sites get shut down. also paying attention but trying to stay as calm as you can because they're trying overwhelm us and make us check out, which we can't afford to do right now. build community with the people around you, organize if you can, do mutual aid, start a garden, just to name a few more. there's so many ways to fight fascism, big and small

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