The layout was the same as my real bedroom, but mirrored, so the side window facing my neighbor’s house was on the opposite wall of where it actually is. I was looking out of the window and I could see a man (wearing a black balaclava, all black clothes, and holding a flashlight) on a rooftop a few doors down. He was walking towards me and he was somehow able to traverse from roof to roof, getting closer and closer. He was watching me and I sensed that he intended to come into my house. I was trying to wake up my significant other who was sleeping in bed next to me but he wouldn’t wake up! I tried to scream but nothing came out of my mouth! The man was coming closer still. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and my friend who lives in London had texted me just minutes before but I scheduled my reply to send later when I would be awake for realsies
Nov 19, 2024

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