Read this. I found it in one of those little libraries. I know this is a must-read for a lot of people but somehow I never read it. Reading anyone's autobiography is fascinating, and Malcolm X is one of the most fascinating people ever. You do have to put up with many misogynist comments throughout the book, which is tough. It's beautiful and heartbreaking to follow someone so fully dedicated to their purpose in life. It's going back to the little library, hopefully someone else picks it up.
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Dec 2, 2024

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I was honestly unsure of how I felt about this book the first time I read it, but knew it was something special. I pick it up and reread it every few months (it is only 150p so a quick read) and I gain something new every time I do. I want to recommend this book to people I know but I am afraid they won't like it
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I know I am technically late to this book but I just finished it and it has fundamentally changed me forever. Maybe its because I am an academic, or because I often introduce myself as the speaker of 2 and a half languages but it hit hard. It is vivid and spectacular and grief inducing and devastating. It has so much heart, so much love, yet so much despair. The attention to detail regarding history and conflicting philosophies, politics, religious beliefs and belief systems is so carefully and precisely constructed, it is in and of itself poetry. It's so vivid that I can taste it, I can feel the texture of the pages, different passages are rattling around my brain and I can remember where I read them, I am a different person from before I read this book. After the reading slump I was in, it feels like all along I was waiting to find this book, I didn't know I was missing it, or waiting for it and yet when I read it it is like all at once I suddenly knew that I had needed this book all along. Read it, if you are one of those people that gets skeptical of things that reach a certain level of popularity, just know that all the hype in the world has undersold this book. It is that good. And yes, I attached a low light photo of my copy because I have reread chapters of this so often that the pages are curling, fished it out of my backpack when I found random spots to sit or stand idly, accidentally smudged it when I immediately reached for it after writing sprawling pages in my notebooks. You see how my earphones aren't connected to anything because all I am thinking about is this book? Yeah exactly! This is a good fucking book I am so serious you guys if you have held off on reading it, bump it up your list.
Jan 9, 2025
I don't care if it's a basic pick but this book is literally so powerful. Just filled to the brim with raw humanity in all the forms it can take. Cannot recommend enough. Read it as a teenager and it changed my life
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