I use FB to explore cinema. Several hundred of my Facebook friends are cinemaphiles. If someone mentions an obscure film my ears perk up. If two mention that film I track it down.
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Dec 12, 2024

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Get specific with them! I like subdividing all of the media I enjoy because it makes me feel in control of my life and makes the movie easier to find. LIST TITLES: -good movies about love -bad movies about love -ironic -sports movies -movies I saw in the theater -top 100 -horror -comedy -classics -nostalgia -douchey film bro -animation -associated with good memories -movies I’ve seen with my best friend -foreign -starring women -movies about children/teenagers -my dad’s favorites Maybe this makes me weird and obsessive, but it fills my time. My real life may be a mess but my digital profiles will not. I apply similar methods with music, saved posts on social media, and my camera roll. Can you tell I love Pinterest???
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