If you love ephemera and old photographs, and would like to exchange stories and interests via the postal service- keep reading! do you make a mean art and craft and need somewhere to put it? have you ever thought to yourself: "man oh man I love stamps"? does the photo on my profile evoke inspiration of headstrong women, and the possibility of someday riding a horse? have you ever had the urge to larp in a casual new age way?
I've written letters as a hobby for ages and have found that it scratches an otherwise unreachable itch- one that I can only compare to how a small business owner might feel about selling their creations. Except that the creation is and will be whatever has been on my mind, but still accompanied by beautiful packaging and a personalized opening experience (this is where you jump for joy). I hope to find a new friend, someone to read all about in 1-5 business days.
If you think this could be you, reach out! Consider this an application for a shiny new penpal, and connect with others as well- lotsa interesting folks on here.