✧ read more
✧ wander when i can, aimlessly with no set goal
✧ lie in silence a lot and stare at the ceiling
✧ become connected with those whose company i truly value
✧ observing, rather than commenting
✧ crafting! exploring my creative side and interests
✧ setting smaller and more realistic goals
✧ exploring music and finding new sounds
✧ volunteering more and giving back :D
✧ filling my life with constant screen time
✧ bad habits
✧ giving time and energy to temporary and draining people
✧ overthinking
✧ constant pursuit of every goal I have all of the time
✧ tearing myself apart with thoughts and extreme pressure on myself
note to self:
read back over in 2026.
even achieving one is ok, don't grade your life, if your happy I'm happy