i probably shouldn’t do this. i definitely shouldn’t, actually. i do it anyway. i write a substack piece all in one go then i take a breath and hit ‘post’ before i give myself the time to read it over. i think if i didn’t do this i would never post anything cuz i’d be stuck in an endless loop of redrafting. writing to get it out into the world is enough of an intention for me. if i were to be any more careful in my practice i doubt anything would get written at all.
Dec 23, 2024

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setting a timer for ~20 minutes and just writing without stopping until the timer goes off is *really* good - because at the end of it you have a draft you can revise, which i think is easier and feels a lot more like making progress than emotionally preparing to write something you might not like. dan harmon has this quote that i think was really helpful to getting me to see the value of just getting the reps in (without all the self-loathing): *“My best advice about writer’s block is: the reason you’re having a hard time writing is because of a conflict between the GOAL of writing well and the FEAR of writing badly. By default, our instinct is to conquer the fear, but our feelings are much, much, less within our control than the goals we set, and since it’s the conflict BETWEEN the two forces blocking you, if you simply change your goal from “writing well” to “writing badly,” you will be a veritable fucking fountain of material…Prove it. It will go faster. And then, after you write something incredibly shitty in about six hours, it’s no problem making it better in passes, because in addition to being absolutely untalented, you are also a mean, petty CRITIC. You know how you suck and you know how everything sucks and when you see something that sucks, you know exactly how to fix it.”*
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